Town Hall


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June 22, Sunday


June 23, Monday

Session 0
IntroductionChair: J. Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz

8:009:00Registration and setting up posters
9:009:15Welcome and opening the workshop by vice-rector of Wrocław University, prof. Krzysztof Nawotka
9:159:35Introduction of the HELAS Project – Oscar von der Lühe
9:3510:15Introductory talk: Problems and prospects in stellar physics – Marc-Antoine Dupret
10:1511:00coffee break
Session 1A
DATA: ground-based observationsChair: J. Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz

11:0011:30Photometric observations of pulsating stars – S. Oliveira Kepler
11:3012:00Spectroscopic observations of pulsating stars – Conny Aerts
12:0012:15Multi-wavelength photometric variation of PG1605+072 – Sonja Schuh
12:1512:30Radial-velocity observations of pulsating stars with a new Poznań Spectroscopic Telescope – Wojciech Dimitrov

DATA: ground-based observations – cont'dChair: W. Dziembowski

14:0014:30Detecting pulsating variables from massive surveys – Igor Soszyński
14:3014:45Discovery of non-radial pulsations on the spectroscopic binary Herbig Ae star RS Cha – Torsten Böhm
14:4515:00A different approach to analyzing the Blazhko effect: the VSAA applied to RR Lyr – Katrien Kolenberg
15:0015:15Towards mode selection in δ Scuti stars: regularities in the observed frequency spacing – Michel Breger
15:1516:00coffee break, poster session
Session 1B
DATA: space missionsChair: W. Dziembowski

16:0016:30MOST and the search for p-modes in Sun-like stars – David Guenther
16:3017:00Asteroseismic results from CoRoT – Eric Michel
17:0017:15MOST asteroseismology across the HR Diagram – Jaymie Matthews
17:1517:30First results on the Be stars observed with the COROT satellite – Juan Gutiérrez-Soto
20:0023:00Welcome Reception on the boat cruising the Odra River

June 24, Tuesday

Session 2A
MODES: extracting eigenmode frequenciesChair: M. Breger

9:009:30Extracting oscillation frequencies from sparse spectra: Fourier analysis – Mikołaj Jerzykiewicz
9:309:45Application of the Trend Filtering Algorithm in searching for multiperiodic signals – Geza Kovács
9:4510:00VSAA: A method of tracing variable frequencies in time series analysis – Sotirios Tsantilas
10:0010:30Extracting oscillation frequencies from dense spectra: A Bayesian approach – Brendon Brewer
10:3010:45An application of the Bayesian inference on a solar-like pulsator: HD 49933 – Othman Benomar
10:4511:00Analysis of sun-like oscillations in Red Giant stars – Neil Tarrant
11:0011:30coffee break, poster session
Session 2B
MODES: mode identificationChair: M. Breger

11:3012:00Pulsational mode identification from multi-colour photometry – Gerald Handler
12:0012:30Constraints on angular numbers of pulsation modes from spectroscopy – John Telting
12:3012:45Spectroscopic observations and mode-identification of a sample of non-radially pulsating stars – Karen Pollard
12:4513:00Spectroscopic mode identification of the δ Scuti stars 4 CVn and EE Cam – Barbara Castanheira
Session 3A
STARS: convectionChair: A. Noels

14:3015:00Stochastic excitation of oscillation modes across the HR diagram – Reza Samadi
15:0015:30Pulsation-convection interaction: the effect of convection on mode stability – Guenter Houdek
15:3015:45Stochastic waves excitation in rotating stars – Stéphane Mathis
15:4516:00Double-mode Cepheid models - revisited – Radosław Smolec
16:0017:00coffee break, poster session
Session 3B
STARS: opacity driving, levitation, opacity dataChair: A. Noels

17:0017:30Photospheric solar chemical composition – Nicolas Grevesse
17:3018:00Input from opacity data in computation of pulsation instability – Josefina Montalbán

June 25, Wednesday

STARS: opacity driving, levitation, opacity data – cont'dChair: M.-J. Goupil

9:009:30The potential of hot B subdwarf pulsators for testing diffusion and other competing process in stars – Stéphane Charpinet
9:3010:00Degenerate pulsators – Gilles Fontaine
10:0010:15Long-term photometric monitoring of the hybrid subdwarf B pulsator HS 0702+6043 – Ronny Lutz
10:1510:30Mode identification in rapidly pulsating subdwarf B stars from monochromatic amplitude and phase variations – Suzanna Randall
10:30conference photo in the Szczytnicki Park
11:0012:00coffee break, poster session
13:3014:00transport to the Wrocław Market Square
14:0017:00city tour
20:0023:00conference dinner

June 26, Thursday

Session 3C
STARS: effects of rotation on the stellar structure and pulsationChair: R. Garrido

9:009:30Effects on the stellar structure: rotational induced mixing – Jean-Paul Zahn
9:3010:00Pulsation in rapidly rotating stars – Umin Lee
10:0010:15Waves transport in differentially rotating stellar radiation zones – Stéphane Mathis
10:1510:30The asymptotic structure of the p-modes frequency spectrum in rapidly rotating stars – Francois Ligniéres
10:3011:00coffee break, poster session
Session 3D
STARS: effects of magnetic field on stellar pulsationChair: R. Garrido

11:0011:30Theory of roAp stars – Hiromoto Shibahashi
11:3012:00Pulsation in the atmosphere of roAp stars – Oleg Kochukov
12:0012:15Interferometric and seismic constraints on the roAp star α Cir – Isa Brandão
12:1512:30On the understanding of pulsations in the atmosphere of magnetic stars – Joana Sousa
Session 3E
STARS: oscillation and stellar modelsChair: M.-J. Goupil

14:0014:30The impact of asteroseismology on the theory of stellar evolution – Simon Jeffery
14:3015:00Examples of seismic modelling – Alosha Pamyatnykh
15:0016:15coffee break, poster session
16:1516:30Asteroseismology of pre-main sequence stars – Konstanze Zwintz
16:3016:45The use of the rotating evolutionary models for the seismic interpretation of two pulsating PMS stars in NGC 6530 – Marcella Di Criscienzo
16:4517:00Internal rotation profile from asteroseismology for two sdB pulsators residing in close binary systems – Valérie Van Grootel

June 27, Friday

Session 4

9:009:25Kepler – Jørgen Christensen Dalsgaard
9:259:50BRITE-Constellation – Werner W. Weiss
9:5010:15PLATO: PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars – Conny Aerts
10:1511:00coffee break, poster session
11:0011:25Asteroseismic possibilities at Concordia, Antarctica – Eric Fossat
11:2511:50SONG – writing the verses – Frank Grundahl

11:5012:20CLOSING TALK – Joyce Guzik

